NEW! Members are now required to create a free account using your APAP email/password prior to submitting an event so that:

When you click "Add Event" you will see a pop-up requesting your email address and password. At the bottom of that form, you will see where to sign up and create your account. We strongly suggest using the same information you use for your APAP login.

"Organizer" is the name of your organization or your name, if you are an independent artist. Please use the name listed under your APAP membership, so that we can verify your membership and so that other APAP members can find you in the Membership Directory. Don't see your organization/name in the pre-populated list? Click "New" to add it.

Please include the link to the event in the description so that it populates to the public calendar. You can hyperlink the event by copying and pasting from Word into the event description field.